Шоу Павла Зуйкова - cтеп, танцы и куклы...
степ, танцы, куклы,степ, танцы, куклы,степ, танцы, куклы




Материалы о степе: видео, к/фильмы, книги ...

Ниже на этой странице:

  • Публикации в прессе
  • Фильмы и книги (аннотации на русском языке)
  • Фильмы, аннотации на английском языке
  • Книги (аннотации на английском языке)


Публикации в прессе
1. "День степа", А.Кокоулин, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 1
О том, как российские степисты отпраздновали "профессиональный праздник" в 2001 году.
"2. Музыка степа", Н.Дюкова, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 2
Интервью с одним из известнейших российских степистов Олегом Федоткиным, а также с восходящей звездочкой степа Светланой Медведевой.
3. "Степ", П.Рябиков, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 3
Интервью с двумя Президентами Московской ТЭП ДЭНС Федерации - Константином Невретдиновым и Алексеем Медведевым, а также с Владимиром Кирсановым на предмет популярности и популяризации степа в России. Плюс - телефоны московских и подмосковных школ степа.
4. "Проблемы создания Федерации", журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 4
Политика - грязное дело. Это же самое касается и шоу-бизнеса, в данном случае - степа. Внешний (корреспондента) и внутренний (противников: Константина Невретдинова и Алексея Медведева, с одной стороны, и Владимира Кирсанова с другой) взгляд на ситуацию в российском степе.
5. "Движения в степе", П.Рябиков, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 4
Список и описание наиболее часто использующихся степовых терминов.
6. "Особенности национального степа в зимний период", П.Рябиков, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 4
Впечатления о 1-ом Открытом Фестивале Степа в Красноармейске МО, который прошел 15 декабря 2001 года.
7. "Правда в ногах есть!", А.Красильщикова, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 5
Как Вы себе представляете степ-конференцию? Разговор по принципу "джем-сейшн", знойные дискуссии и масса полезной информации
8. "Импровизация в степе", А.Красильщикова, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 6-7
Интервью с признанными мастерами степ-импровизации: Сарой Петронио, Виктором Галустовым, Владимиром Беляйкиным, Василием Седых, Ириной Антоненко. Мэтры делятся секретами импровизации - крайне полезный материал.
9. "Степ-парад: бизнес, шоу или развитие жанра?", А.Красильщикова, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 6-7
Очередной фестиваль "Степ-парад" собрал множество знаменитостей. О том, что происходило на сцене и за кулисами шоу.
10. "Open Russian Cup-2002: степ", А.Красильщикова, журнал "Современные и эстрадные танцы", № 6-7
В рамках крупнейшего в России танцевального события проходили также и соревнования по степу - Кубок России. Участники и организаторы сего действа делятся своими мнениями о происходившем.


Фильмы и книги (аннотации на русском языке)
    Отечественные фильмы:
  1. Моряк с "Кометы" (братья Гусаковы)
  2. Карнавальная ночь (братья Гусаковы)
  3. Мы из джаза
  4. Зимний вечер в Гаграх (А. Насыров, Е. Зернов, В. Кирсанов, О. и И. Федоткины)
  5. Как стать звездой
  6. Гремучая дюжина (В.И.Кирсанов)
    Книги в отечественной литературе:
  1. "Прогулка в ритмах степа", Н.Е.Шереметьевская
  2. "Танец на эстраде", Н.Е.Шереметьевская
Зарубежные фильмы, видео:
"Tap Dogs", "Riverdance", "Lord of the Dance" и др.
Танцуют Джин Келли и Лесли Кэрон. Классическая оркестровка Джорджа Гершвина и романтическая обстановка Города Света позволили создать восхитительный, неувядающий музыкальный шедевр. Фильм получил шесть призов Академии, в том числе "За лучший фильм". 113 минут (1951).
Супер MGM мюзикл! Наполненный мелодиями рассказ о бывшей кинозвезде, которая попадает на Бродвей для того, чтобы сделать новую карьеру. В число песен входят "Dancing in the Dark", "Shine on Your Shoes" и "That's Entertainment". Фред Астер, Сид Чарисс, Джек Бучанэн. 112 минут (1953).
Фред Астер и Джинджер Роджерс: последнее выступление вдвоем и яркий образец их общеизвестного имиджа, когда они изображают вечно пререкающуюся танцующую вместе пару - мужа и жену. Фильм включает такие известные хиты как "They Can't Take That Away From Me" и "Shoes with Wings On". В фильме также снимался Оскар Левант. 109 мин. (1949).
Режиссер Френсис Форд Коппола. Роскошное воссоздание известного ночного клуба в Гарлеме, посещяемого гангстерами, - зрелище, насыщенное ностальгией по джазу. Ричард Гир - музыкант (соло на трубе) вступает в связь с бандой. Диана Лэйн - девушка босса, в которую он влюбляется. Так же снимались Грегори и Морис Хайнс, Боб Хоскинс и Фред Гвинн. 127 мин. (1984).
Джин Келли, Дебби Рейнолдс и Дональд О'Коннор участвуют в одном из самых известных мюзиклов на экране. Действие происходит в конце эпохи немого кино. Фильм включает такие классические номера как "Make 'Em Laugh", "Broadway Ballet" и мелодию названия фильма. В новой версии фильма востановлены первоначальные записи, существовавшая театральная обстановка, редкие съемки на природе, представлена новая постановка Рейнольдсом "You Are My Lucky Star", а также сохранено оригинальное рекламное художественное оформление. 103 мин. (1952).
Насыщенная танцами музыкальная драма с участием Лайзы Минелли в роли неудачливой бродвейской танцовщицы, которая дает уроки степа (и жизни) группе людей, посещающих старую церковь. Они попадают в затруднительное положение, когда их просят организовать благотворительный концерт, но напряженные тренировки создают новую труппу. Участвуют Шелли Уинтерс, Эллен Грин, Джули Уотерс. 112 мин. (1991).
Грегори Хайнс, Сэмми Дэвис-младший и другие легендарные степисты участвуют в танцевальной панораме о молодом танцоре, воре ювелирных изделий, который разрывается между сценой и возвращением к своей роскошной преступной жизни. Фильм возвращает нас к классическим мюзиклам MGM c участием Сюзанн Дуглас. Хореография Генри ЛиТанга и Грегори Хайнса. (1989).
Возможно, один из самых лучших мюзиклов пары Астер-Рождерс, представляющий классику Ирвина Берлина, включая "Cheek to Cheek" и "Isn't It A Lovely Day to Be Caught In the Rain?". Фред и Джинджер исполняют свои лучшие, самые грациозные номера. 97 мин. (1954).
Вы увидите потрясающий фильм. Михаил Барышников играет бежавшего советского танцора, который возвращен обратно, когда его самолет потерпел аварию в России. Стремясь вернуться на Запад, он планирует смелый побег вместе с американским танцором (Грегори Хайнс), живущим в России. Также снимались Джерзи Сколимовски, Хелен Миррен. 135 мин. (1985).


Фильмы (аннотации на английском языке)
A glittery, surrealistic musical by Bob Fosse. Roy Scheider is a demanding musical director trying to find meaning in his work and his life. Dazzling dance numbers. Includes appearances by Ben Vereen, Jessica Lange and Ann Reinking. 123 min. (1979)
The dancing of Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron, a classic score by George Gershwin and the romantic settings of the City of Lights make for a timeless musical delight. Winner of six Academy Awards, including Best Picture, 113 min. (1951)
A super MGM musical! it's a tune-filled tale about a has-been movie star who takes to Broadway to find a new career. Songs include "Dancing in the Dark," "Shine on Your Shoes," and "That's Entertainment." Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Jack Buchanan. 112 mins. (1953)
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers' final screen pairing is also a deft spoof of their public image, as they portray a popular but endlessly bickering husband and wife dance team. Includes the reprise of "They Can't Take That Away From Me" and the "Shoes with Wings On" number. Oscar Levant also stars. 109 mins. (1949)
Gene Kelly and Van Johnson witness the awakening of a magical Scottish village which comes alive every 100 years. Lerner and Loewe classic score. Cyd Charisse. 108 mins. (1954)
Bob Gordon is staging a new Broadway Show, but he is short of money. He gets an offer of money by the young widow Lilian, if she can dance in his new show. Bert Keeler, a paper man, gets this information and is writing about this in his column in an slight unfriendly way. Gordon's old class mate Irene Forster, a tap dancer from Albany also tries to get the leading role in this show, but Lilian insistes in getting this part herself. So Irene Forster, Bert Keeler and Gordon's secretary Kitty start a little game to get Irene the leading role. Stars include Eleanor Powell, Jack Benny, Vilma and Buddy Ebsen, and Robert Taylor. Choreographer Dave Gould won an Academy Award. Black and white. [Story synopsis from Web Film Database Server.]
Stars include Eleanor Powell, George Murphy, Judy Garland and Buddy Ebsen. Black and white.
Top-flight entertainment highlighted by a marvelous Cole porter score ("Begin the Beguine"), exciting Fred Astaire-Eleanor Powell dance numbers, and some hilarious skits. Also stars George Murphy, Frank Morgan and Ian Hunter. Choreographer is Bobby Connelly who was responsible for the musical numbers in the "Wizard of Oz." 102 min. Black and white.(1940) [Comments: The tap routines in this film really cook! Eleanor and Fred are well matched in tap. Their routine/challenge to Begin the Beguine is a classic. (PJC)]
Francis Ford Coppola's lavish recreation of the famed Harlem nightclub and the gang lords wo went there is a reiveting daram highlighted with a nostalgic jazz score. Richard Gere is a musician (trumpet, doing his own playing!) mixed up with the mob. Diane Lane is the boss' girl he falls for. With Gregory and Maurice Hines, Bob Hoskins and Fred Gwynne. 127 mins. (1984) [Comments: Features Maurice and Gregory Hines as a brother tap duo and a visit to the "Hoofers Club" where Honi Coles (as 'Sugar') presides. Greg also does a great a capella solo and stair dance as counterpoint to gunfire. Tap choreography by Henry LeTang and 'improvography' by Gregory Hines for his solos. (PJC)
Lavish, dance-filled extravaganza starring Leslie Caron as a French orphan whose schooling is sponsored by an anonymous American millionaire, played by Fred Astaire. The millionaire's secretary persuades her boss to visit the girl, and romance soon blooms. Terry Moore, Thelma Ritter costar; songs include "Something's Got to Give." 128 mins. (1955)
Fred's a gum-chewing sailor, Ginger's a dance hall hostess, and they dance together to some of Irvin Berlin's best-loved songs, including "Let Yourself Go" and "We Saw the Sea." Costars Betty Grable, Randolph Scott; look quickly for Lucille Ball. 110 mins. (1936)
One of Busby Berkeley's best, featuring out-of-this-world musical numbers and songs like "Honeymoon Hotel," "By a Waterfall," and "Shanghai Lil." James Cagney is a down-and-out stage producer who tries his hand at supendous dance numbers. Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler and Dick Powell costar. 105 mins. (1933)
The credits in this breezy musical may list Dolores Del Rio first, but Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers steal the show in their first film together. Features the classic "Carioca" number and dozens of chorus girls dancing on the wings of airplanes "in midair." 89 min. (1933) [Comments: Great tap number by the Nicholas Brothers also. (PJC)]
There's dancing in the divorce court with Astaire and Rogers doing "Night and Day," "The Continental," and more. Co-stars Betty Grable and Edward Everett Horton in one of Hollywood's glossiest productions. 107 mins. (1934)
Irving Berlin's musical trip through the calendar featuring the film debut of the song "White Chrismas." Bing Crosby is an entertainer who tires of the stage life and buys a country inn to relax, only to find he can't escape show biz, especially when hoofer Fred Astaire tries to woo Bing's girl. 101 mins. (1942)
Film partnered Bill "Bojangles" Robinson and Jeni Le Gon, pioneering female tapper. If you see this one on TV or cable, tape it! (Not in Movies Unlimited. catalog.)
Gene Kelly film comedy. Three soldiers meet 10 years after their last meeting in New York again, and find out, that they have litte in common now. (Follow-up to "On the Town.") Includes Gene doing a street tap number in roller skates. 102mins. (1955)
When her architect/father loses his job, it's up to little Shirley Temple to talk a miserly tycoon into creating new jobs to help out Depression-riddled America. Winning musical tale also stars Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, Charles Farrell, Bert Lahr. Songs include "I'll Be Lucky With You", "I'm Not Myself Today". One of four films featuring Shirley and "Bojangles". 70mins. (1938)
One of Shirley Temple's best-loved films, with the million-dollar moppet playing peacemaker between her ex-Confederate officer grandfather and her mother, who married a Yankee. Features the classic "stair dance" between Temple and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. One of four films featuring Shirley Temple and "Bojangles" Robinson. [Note: the Internet Movie Database lists a 1925 silent film of the same title.] (1935)
When her father is arrested by Union soldiers and wrongly sentenced to death as a Confederate spy, singing Southeren belle Shirley Temple goes all the way to President Lincoln to save his live. Features John Bolles, Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. 73 mins. (1935)
Three sailors - Gene Kelly, Jules Munshin and Frank Sinatra - on shore leave for 24 hours in the Big Apple get involved with three local gals. This was the first of the three musicals made by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen for MGM and marked Kelly's succession as the number one star of Hollywood dance. [1 hr. 38 mins. 1949 Color] [Comments: There is also a Related Web page with more information on this film. PJC]
(1981) With drive and dexterity, Steve Martin triumphs as Arthur Parker, a Depression-era sheet music salesman doomed forever to believe in the lyrics of the songs he sells. Though life steadily worsens for him and his schoolteacher mistress (Bernadette Peters), he goes on believing it's still just a bowl of cherries--even when he's got nothing but the pits. Pauline Kael of the New Yorker said, "Extraordinary. The most emotional musical I've ever seen. Choreography by Danny Daniels featuring top notch numbers and an electrifying dance solo by Christopher Walken. [From video jacket] 1 hr. 48 mins., 1981 Color. [Comments: While this film is definitely a darkly moody musical, There are several great musical numbers. Christopher Walken does an amazing strip routine while tapping to "Let's Misbehave." The film also has Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters tapping in a big production number. PJC]
It's not really based on the classic story, but this tale of a child's becoming a radio star is a must-see for Shirley Temple fans. Little Shirley sings "Crackly Corn Flakes", "Old Straw Hat", and a medley that includes "Good Ship Lollipop." Also stars Randolph Scott, Jack Haley and Bill Robinson. One of four films featuring Shirley Temple and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. 80 mins. (1938)
The lively dancing of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers highlights this Jerome Kern-Otto Harbach musical, set in Paris and featuring Irene Dunn and Randolph Scott. Look for an unknown Lucille Ball in the fashion show sequence! Score includes "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," and "Lovely to Look At." 105 mins. (1935)
Fred Astaire and Jane Powell are a brother/sister team performing in England during Queen Elizabeth II's coronation and finding romance along the way. Includes the amazing sequence of Fred dancing on the walls and ceiling of his hotel room. This is the complete 93-min MGM print. (1951) [Comments: In addition to the scene with Fred dancing up the walls and across the ceiling he also tap dances with gym equipment including a hatrack. (PJC)]
A fine George Gershwin score that includes "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" and "They All laughed" highlights this Astaire-Rogers tale of a dancing duo who pretend to be newlyweds. 116 mins. (1937)
Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor star in what is probably the most famous and best-loved of all screen musicals. Set in Hollywood at the end of the silent era, the film features such classic numbers as "Make 'Em Laugh," "Broadway Ballet" and the title tune. Newly remastered version features the original recorded soundtrack, the theatrical trailer, rare outtakes, Reynolds' rendition of "You Are My Lucky Star" and original poster art packaging. 103 mins. (1952)
Classic comedy-drama centers around lives of women in theatrical boarding house and their dreams of stardom. Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Lucille Ball and Ann Miller head a top cast. 92 mins. (1937)
High-stepping musical-drama starring Liza Minnelli as a failed Broadway dancer who gives tap-dance (and life) lessons to a group of people in and old church. The're put on the spot when asked to dance in a benefit, but the difficult practice sessions bring the troupe together. Shelly Winters, Ellen Greene, Julie Walters co-star. 112 min. (1991).
One of mainstream Hollywood's rare all-black musicals, showcasing Bill "Bojangles" Robinson's dancing and Lena Horne's singing and a romantic subplot. Also features Fats Waller, Cab Calloway and his orchestra, the Nicholas Brothers and Dooley Wilson ("Casablanca.") 77 mins. (1943) Comments: Minimal dancing by Bojangles, unfortunately. He has one number tapping across some drums. The Nicholas Brothers are amazing. Their portion includes running up the wall and landing in a split, furious tapping everywhere and leap-frogging each other into splits coming down a set of huge stairs, all in tuxedos. This film is also great if you're a Lena Horne fan...(PJC)]
Delightful film features Fred and Ginger as a successful dance team whose budding romance is hampered by the girl Fred left back home (Betty Furness.) The Jerome Kern music includes "Pick Yourself Up" and "A Fine Romance." 103 mins. (1935)
Gregory Hines, Sammy Davis, Jr. and some legendary hoofers star in a rousing dance showcase about a second-generation tapper and paroled jewel thief who's torn between the stage an returning to his lavish life of crime. A throwback to those classic MGM musical, costarring Suzzanne Douglas. Choreography by Henry LeTang and Gregory Hines. Written and directed by Nick Castle. 115 mins. (1989) [Comments: The sequence of tappers in the "Challenge" scene is: Arthur Duncan, Bunny Briggs, Jimmy Slyde, Steve Condos, Harold Nicholas, Sandman Sims and finally Sammy Davis, Jr. and Gregory Hines. The Shim Sham Girls in the nightclub scene are: Suzanne Douglas, Jane Goldberg, Dorothy Wasserman, Dianne Walker and Frances Neely. (PJC)]
What is arguably the best of the Astaire-Rogers musicals features a classic Irving Berlin score, including "Cheek to Cheek" and "Isn't It A Lovely Day to Be Caught In the Rain?" Fred and Ginger at their graceful best. 97 mins. (1935)
Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye star as former Army buddies and Broadway producers who head to Vermont to a ski lodge run by their former CO. Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen also star. Irving Berlin score. 120 mins. (1954)
We have a film, we have an awesome film. Mikhail Baryshnikov stars as a defected Soviet ballet star who is recaptured when his plane crashes in Russia. Eager to escape to the West, he plans a daring secape with an American dancer (Gregory Hines) living in Russia. Costars Jerzy Skolimowski, Helen Mirren. 135 mins. (1985)


Книги (аннотации на русском языке)
95-83294: Nemeth, Bonnie. Tiny tappers : with Stomper the Bunny.
Auburntown, Tenn. : Dance Innovators Pub. Co., c1994- v. 1 : col. ill. ; 22 x 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .N46 1994
95-14823: Feldman, Anita, 1951- Inside tap: technique and improvisation for today's tap dancer
Pennington, N.J. : Princeton Book Co., 1996. xviii, 219 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .F39 1995
Pennington, NJ: Dance Horizons, 1996. ISBN 0-87127-199-0
94-45756: Frank, Rusty E. Tap : the greatest tap dance stars and their stories, 1900-1955
Rev. ed. New York : Da Capo Press, c1994. 336 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1785.A1 F69 1994
93-211600: Petronio, Peter. Footprints : a tap dancer's world
[1st ed.] [Chicago : Footprints, c1993] 1 v. (unpaged) : chiefly ill. ; 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .P38 1993
93-181200: Bowers, Thomas D., Jr. Issues in Afro-American tap dancing
[Dallas, Tex. (P.O. Box 224144, Dallas, Tex. 75222-4144) : T.D. Bowers, c1992] 50 p. ; 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .B69 1992
93-137885: Gayle Tutterow's The tap talk dictionary.
[Largo, FL] : G. Tutterow, c1992. 1 v. (various pagings) : ports. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .G4 1992
93-5784: Couture, Susan Arkin. Alfonso's dream
1st ed. New York : Macmillan ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1994. p. cm. CIP - NOT YET IN LC
90-231781: Kelley, Charles. American tap dancing dictionary
[S.l.] : DEA, [c1990] 71 p. ; 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .K45 1990
90-102200: Marker, Eva. Step-Tanz : 70 Schrittkombinationen fur Unterricht und Praxis
Wilhelmshaven : F. Noetzel ; New York : Sole agents, C.P. Peters, c1987. 104 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .M26 1987
90-36636: Frank, Rusty E. Tap] : the greatest tap dance stars and their stories, 1900-1955
1st ed. New York : W. Morrow, c1990. 331 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1785.A1 F69 1990
89-40726: Caney, Steven. Teach yourself tap dancing
New York : Workman Pub., 1990. p. cm. CIP - NOT YET IN LC
88-40201: Diggins, Dean. Tap technique: graded exercises from beginning through advanced levels
1st ed. Santa Fe, N.M. : Teal Press, 1988. 125 p. ; 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D54 1988
87-201470: Castle, Roy, 1932- Roy Castle on tap : his unique tap dancing course.
Newton Abbot ; North Pomfret, Vt. : David & Charles, c1986. 143 p. ; 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .C37 1986
87-34992: Haskins, James, 1941- Mr. Bojangles : the biography of Bill Robinson
1st ed. New York : William Morrow, c1988. 336 p. : ports. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1785.R54 H37 1988
86-90550: Sutton, Tommy. Tap along with Tommy : a technical guide for tap dance teachers
Decatur, GA : T. Sutton, c1986. 2 v. : ill. ; 21 cm. + 1 dictionary. (106 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.) LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S88 1986
85-208353: Hansen, Judith McCarty. Technique and theory of tap dancing
[Texas : s.n.], c1985 (Austin, Tex. : Worley Print. Co.) iii, 31 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .H36 1985
83-3294: Marx, Trina, 1949- Tap dance : a beginner's guide
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1983. viii, 165 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .M27 1983
82-194135: Tutterow, Gayle. The encyclopedia of tap: combining Tap combination books 1-2-3 includes tap terminology ... plus nine great routines by Al Gilbert, Danny Hoctor, Art Stone.
Largo, Fla. (9980 Ulmerton Rd. 372, Largo 33541) : G. Tutterow, c1982. 84 p. : ports. ; 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .T865 1982
81-120414: Shipley, Glenn, 1917- The complete tap dictionary
[San Francisco] : G. Shipley, c1980. 90 p. ; 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S46
81-50990: Sinibaldi, Thomas. Tap dancing step by step
New York : Sterling Pub. Co., c1982. 96 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S55
81-1201: Washbourne, Diana. Basic tap dancing
Harmondsworth Middlesex, Eng. ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1981. 96 p. : ill. ; 11 x 14 cm. NOT IN LC COLLECTION
79-104567: Tutterow, Gayle. Tap combinations
Largo, Fla. : Tutterow, c1979- v. ; 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .T87
78-300051: Gay, Moyra. Modern tap technique
London : Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, 1976. 48 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .G39
78-100464: Duggan, Anne Schley, 1905- The complete tap dance book
Rev. by M. Evelyn Triplett. Washington : University Press of America, c1977. xlv, 106 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D77 1977
77-17886: Draper, Paul, 1909- On tap dancing
New York : M. Dekker, c1978. x, 161 p. : port. ; 24 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D68
76-44412: Ames, Jerry. The book of tap : recovering America's long lost dance
New York : D. McKay Co., c1977. xiii, 178 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .A45
76-935: Audy, Robert. Tap dancing : how to teach yourself to tap
1st ed. New York : Vintage Books, c1976. 115 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .A83 1976
75-158799: Atwater, Constance. Tap dancing; techniques, routines, terminology.
Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co. [1971] 179 p. illus. 24 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .A8
69-16335: Nash, Barbara. Tap dance.
Dubuque, Iowa, W. C. Brown Co. [1969] vii, 54 p. illus. 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .N37
57-10988: Fletcher, Beale. How to improve your tap dancing; for the beginning, intermediate, and professional dancer.
New York, A. S. Barnes [1957] 120 p. illus. 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .F55
52-30646: Sprague, Sidney, 1912- The Sprague "photovision" learn to tap dance method.
Englewood, N.J., S. Sprague Studio of the Theatre [1952] 61 p. illus. 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S6
48-557: Bense, Jacques, 1912- Danses a claquettes; methode complete theorique et pratique a l'usage des aspirants artistes choregraphes et professeurs. [En 100 lecons]
Paris, Editions Danse et rythme [1947] 285 p. illus., port., music. 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .B4
47-4833: Duggan, Anne Schley, 1905- The complete tap dance book.
New York, A. S. Barnes [1947] xliii, 100 p. illus. 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D77
43-39945: [Hostetler, Lawrence A.], 1903- Tap dancing and new variations in social dances
[New York] Home institute, inc., c1937. 40 p. illus., diagrs. 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .H685
43-17803: Dancing masters of America, inc. Tap terminology.
[Washington] c1943. 7 numb. l. 28 x 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D3
43-9506: [Hostetler, Lawrence A.] 1903- Self-instruction in tap dancing
[New York] Home institute, inc., c1937. 39, [1] p. illus., diagrs. 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .H68
42-18024: Duggan, Anne Schley, 1905- Tap dancing simplified
[New York] Reader mail, inc., c1937. 32 p. illus. 19 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D83
42-3705: Sauthoff, Hermine Elizabeth. Tap dance for fun,
New York, A. S. Barnes and company [c1941] 94 p. illus. 29 x 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S3
41-25317: Stryker, Daisy Murrmann, Mrs. Tap dancing ...
[South Bend, Ind.] c1933. 2 v. illus. (incl. music) 33 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S7
40-511: Hungerford, Mary Jane. Creative tap dancing,
New York, Prentice- Hall, inc., 1939. xii, 213 p. illus., diagrs. 23 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .H85
39-19412: John, Herbert. Steptanz im selbstunterricht; steptanz fur anfanger durch die zeitlupe gesehen,
Dresden, Rudolph [1938] 55 p. incl. front. (port.) illus. (incl. music) diagrs. 22 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: MT950.J5 S8
38-8999: [Shomer, Louis] 1910- Tip top tapping; simplified lessons in tap dancing; a beginner's progressive guide to successful tap dancing for the home and stage;
New York city, Louellen publishing co., inc., 1937. 62 p. illus. 20 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .S5
37-27311: O'Gara, Shiela. Tap it,
New York, A. S. Barnes and Company, incorporated, 1937. 88 p. illus. (incl. music) 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: MT950.O5 T3 ALSO GV1794 .O35
37-20177: Burchill, Kenneth. Step dancing; a course of twenty lessons for the beginner, 2d ed.
London, Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd., 1936. xiii, 76 p., 1 l. illus., plates. 19 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .B8 1936
37-15018: Wade, Rosalind. Tap dancing in 12 easy lessons,
Philadelphia, David McKay company [1936] 3 p.1., [9]-62 p. illus. (incl. port., music) 19 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .W3
37-3477: Petsch, James J. Modern tap dance styled
[Hollywood, Calif., Printed by Hollycrofters, inc., ltd., c1937] 18 p., 1 l. illus. 31 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .P4
37-450: Ferguson, Katherine. Elementary tap dances,
New York city, The Womans press, 1930. iv, 21 p. 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .F4
36-2617: Judd, Marguerite. Tap dancing, with a musical note for every tap ...
New York, N.Y., The Womans press [c1935- v. illus. 28 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: MT950.J8 T3
35-17199: Burchill, Kenneth. Step dancing; a course of twenty lessons for the beginner,
London, Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd., 1935. xiii, 76 p., 1 l. illus., plates. 19 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .B8
35-7120: Duggan, Anne Schley, 1905- Tap dances for school and recreation,
New York, A. S. Barnes and company, incorporated, 1935. 103 p. illus. 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D82 ALSO MT950 .D82
33-11653: Ballwebber, Edith. Illustrated tap rhythms and routines,
[Chicago, New York, Clayton F. Summy co., c1933] 96 p. illus. 32 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .B28 ALSO MT950 .B19
32-11880: Duggan, Anne Schley, 1905- Tap dances
New York, A. S. Barnes and company, incorporated, 1932. xxviii, 110 p. illus., diagrs. 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .D8 ALSO MT950 .D8
32-4723: Ramsey, Rita. Home lessons in tap dancing,
New York, E. P. Dutton & co., inc. [c1932] 64 p. illus. 20 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .R3
31-18582: Ormonde, Jimmy. Tap dancing at a glance
New York, Brewer, Warren & Putnam, 1931. [89] p. illus. 18 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .O7
31-10496: Frost, Helen. Tap, caper and clog, fifteen character dances,
New York, A. S. Barnes and company, incorporated, 1931. 3 p.l., 72 p. plates. 29 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: MT950 .F75
31-5594: Cadwell, Grace. How to tap dance,
St. Louis, Simon, 1931. 43 p. illus. 20 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .C3
30-31562: Ballwebber, Edith. Tap dancing; fundamentals and routines,
Chicago, Clayton F. Summy co.; London, Eng., A. Weekes & co. [c1930] 70 p. illus. 32 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .B3
30-21736: Hillas, Marjorie. Tap dancing; fourteen routines with descriptions and references to appropriate music,
New York, A. S. Barnes and company, incorporated, 1930. x, 29 p. 23 1/2 cm. LC CALL NUMBER: GV1794 .H5
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